TQS Unipro12 + Sismo

Reinforced Concrete. Up to 12 floors



TQS is a software for structural design of reinforced concrete buildings. It is composed of a set of systems that, in a fully integrated and automated way, provide the necessary resources for the structural design, structural analysis, designand detailing of reinforcements, generation of drawings until the generating of plans.

TQS makes the design of structural buildings a highly productive process and has a direct impact on the quality of projects. It allows full compliance with the requirements of the ABNT technical Norms and the compatibility of the structural model within a BIM process.

O pacote TQS Unipro LVP&S é direcionado para o projeto de estruturas de até 20 pisos. Inclui os módulos de PROTENSÃO (Lajes e Vigas Protendidas), SISEs Geo e AGC&DP.

Main Characteristics

Access the folder below and know the main characteristics of the TQS.

TQS Full Digital Folder, Unipro and Unipro12

Protensão LV – Lajes e Vigas Protendidas

Prestressed slabs

The Prestressed Slab module is intended for the elaboration of structural designs of prestressed slabs with bonded or non-bonded (greased) strands. The definition of the prestressed regions is made by means of a specific graphic editor. The analysis of the effects of the isostatic and hyperstatic prestressing is made by means of a two-dimensional (grid) or three-dimensional model (Frames Model). All SLS checks (stress, cracking) and ULS (passive reinforcement – act of prestressing and infinity) are performed graphically, with great ease of use. The final drawings – plan, elevation, tendon table – are generated automatically.

Prestressed Slabs on TQS

Prestressed beams

VPRO is software that assists the engineer in the analysis, checking and design of post-tension prestressed beams, bonded or non-bonded. The program complies with the requirements of ABNT NBR 6118:2014, carrying out the following checks and design dimensions:

  • Verificação ao estado limite de descompressão (ELS-D)
  • Verificação ao estado limite de formação de fissura (ELS-F)
  • Verificação do ELU-ATO de acordo com o item da ABNT NBR6118
  • Dimensionamento à flexão considerando as armaduras ativas e passivas
  • Dimensionamento ao cisalhamento considerando o efeito da protensão.

Its inclusion in the TQS System occurs in version V22 and aims to help users in the analysis, design and detailing of these elements so common in designs today.

Slabs Prestressed in TQS2

For more details, click here.


The SISEs Geo module is intended for the analysis of the soil-structure interaction of large structures (infra and superstructure). It allows the geotechnical engineer as well as the structural engineer to obtain more accurate and realistic results. It has several types of elements of direct foundation (footing, slab foundation etc.) and deep (pile, caisson etc.).

SISEs Geo on TQS

For more details, click here.


The AGC&DP module is intended for the creation of 2D drawings of generic concrete reinforcement. It contains several features that ease the generation of complex setting reinforcements. Either in an interactive way (graphic editor with specific commands) or automated (generation of parametric drawings). Includes resources for the detailing of slabs with welded wires.


For more details, click here.


Additional information

Developer and Support
TQS Informática LTDA
TQS Informática
São Paulo - Brasil
+55 11 3883-2722